Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Meditation for Tuesday

I have been trying to get back into the habit of daily devotionals. I tend to be woefully neglectful in that department - something which really bothers me. But finding any sort of quiet time in my days is difficult at best.. *sigh* So it remains a catch-as-catch-can sort of thing.

I have picked up an old standby, recently - God Calling. The meditations are short enough for me to read over in a minute or two, but have enough substance for me to ponder throughout the day. There is an online version here. Today's message really spoke to me...

November 11 - Heaven's Colors

Looking back you will see that every step was planned. Leave all to Me. Each stone in the mosaic fits into the perfect pattern, designed by the Master Artist.

It is all so wonderful!

But the colors are of Heaven's hues, so that your eyes could not bear to gaze on the whole, until you are beyond the veil.

So, stone by stone, you see, and trust the pattern to the Designer.

This really spoke to me, today.  So often, we stumble through our days, just trying to get from one thing to another, and hoping that we don't leave anything behind in the process.  And when we stop to catch a breath, all we can see is a pile of stones and mortar.  

I do find myself, from time to time, having to step back and remember that there *is* indeed a bigger picture, one that we can't see.  I am often reminded of all the seemingly random things that happened to Brian and me during our lives which have prepared us for his ministry, things which, at the time, appeared to be tragic at worst, and inconvenient at best.  But God wastes nothing, and He has redeemed all things.  We will not see the masterpiece of His perfect will until our days on this side of the Cross are done, and we dine with Him at His great banquet feast in the life to come.

And in the meantime, I keep telling myself that even though all I may see is a cracked stone, a broken shard, God is using that to create something of surpassing beauty, something so perfect that it can be appreciated only  by His eyes.  And I must trust that He can, and will, honor that promise, no matter how shattered and broken things look to my clouded eyes.  And I hold onto that hope with all of my heart.

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