Thursday, November 20, 2008

Happy Birthday, Hannah!

One year ago today, at 2:22 AM, we welcomed Hannah Kathryn into our family. And what a day that was! In case you missed it, you can read her birth story here. Her entrance into this world was just perfect, as was she. And every single one of those days since, she has been a true blessing.

Here are a few pics from that day...

Just 7 minutes old.  8 lbs 12.5 oz, 21" long... Perfect, healthy baby girl

Snuggled up with Mommy

Baby burrito

Being born is hard work...

Going home

Two days old, on Thanksgiving, with Daddy

Once upon a time, if you had told me that I would be the mother of six, I would have told you that you were nuts. Well, I might not have had the words, exactly. Who *does* that, anyway???? But I remain, every single day, amazed and humbled by these wonderful, priceless gifts that God has entrusted to me for safekeeping. I have the greatest job in the world. I am privileged to be able to watch them grow, to be included in their circle of love. Every time I look into her intense brown eyes, I am reminded of just what an incredible gift Hannah is. There are no words to express that feeling.

And yet, that overflowing in my heart is only a dim and dark reflection of that Love which our Father has for us. Wow. It's just almost too much to contemplate. So on this memorable morning, I thank God for all of the blessings that He has lavished upon me, His daughter. And I'll give my almost-no-longer-a-baby an extra snuggle, and rejoice as all eight of us gather this evening for cake and presents - and be reminded of the Feast to come.

Thank you, Lord, for all the blessings of this life.


  1. Holy cow! Has it been a year already? Happy Birthday, Hannah! And happy birthday day to mommy!

  2. Happy, happy, happy birthday, Little Miss Hannah!

  3. Happy Birthday Hannah. I LOVE the picture of her snuggling up with you just after she is born. ♥♥

  4. Happy birthday, little Hannah. I can't believe you're a year old already. *sigh*

  5. Aw, what a gorgeous post, you made me all teary! Happy belated birthday, Hannah!
