But I have learned a lot from this little exercise. Mostly, that I really need to keep writing. I cannot promise that I will be back every day, although that maybe ought to be a goal of mine. But I will promise to be much less neglectful of my little corner of the blogosphere than I have been in the past. Just don't come hoping for any deep wisdom or wry humor - I'd hate to disappoint you! *grin* But those pics of cute kids will keep coming. I just need a better camera, and some more skilz...
And on a completely different note. Happy Advent to All! I didn't manage to get candles for my Advent wreath yesterday, so we're wreath-less tonight, but I'll be hitting Hobby Lobby tomorrow (barring bad snow-covered roads, although I think it's too warm for there to be much of a problem...). The Christmas boxes will be making their way up from the basement today and tomorrow, and I hope to have everything all done this week, with the exception of the tree.
Since we get a real one, we don't usually get it until closer to Christmas. I'm hoping that we'll do better than last year, though, when we didn't manage to get one until the week before. Talk about last-minute... *sigh* We do get good deals, though, on those trees that people are wanting to get rid of. Almost makes the procrastination worth it. Almost....
So I'm looking forward to making cookies, hanging stockings, and draping with pine garland everything that will stand still long enough. Maybe I'll even post some pics of our festive home... Maybe. But that means it has to be clean, first... *rolls eyes* One thing at a time...
So, once again, thank you, loyal readers, for joining me on this, my first NaBloPoMo quest. I hope that you've enjoyed the journey, and I look forward to more conversations with you ~both deep & inspirational, and random & mundane. I've had a great time. Thanks for indulging me.
Signing off NaBloPoMo '08... Maybe I'll even do it again next year!!!
We tend to get our real tree early (we cut our own), and then we keep it outside in a bucket of water which prolongs it's life since it's cold outside. Then about 2 weeks before Christmas we'll bring it in. Sometimes earlier. But then it's there when we're ready and we don't have to go out and find it later in the month when we tend to have last time.