Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Advent Conspiracy

While I was perusing Facebook this weekend, I happened upon one of Brian's mentors from seminary, and he had joined this group . So I clicked on the link, and found something amazing. The Advent Conspiracy is an organization seeking to raise awareness of how far we've drifted from the original intent of Advent and Christmas, and to encourage a return to seeking and celebrating simply the Season, without falling victim to the commercialism, crassness, and guilt that is heaped upon us by our society.

They advocate four points to change the way you celebrate Christmas this year.
  • Worship fully
  • Spend less
  • Give more
  • Love all
This really spoke to me.  Every year, I have a semi-breakdown while shopping for gifts and making all the preparations.  All the glitz and gimme-gimme drowning out the true message of Christ's birth.  It gives me fits.  Every year.  And the pressure to buy gifts for my kids, who have enough.  More than enough.  But they still expect to find something under the tree on Christmas morning, and I need to find things that  they will actually use...  *sigh*

Now, these people aren't going to suggest that we stop giving presents altogether. But they do have some great ideas on how to be better stewards of our resources this season, something which I found very helpful.  One of the places they link to is, which has some brilliant ideas on alternative gift ideas. Great stuff. This is one website that I will be coming back to again and again.

And so, I invite you to come along with me, as we give thanks this week, and begin to look towards the birth of our Lord.  Join the Conspiracy.  Be subversive. Give joyfully. Love radically.  Be the in-breaking of the Kingdom.  Wait with me, in a new way, this Advent season.  Prepare the way of the Lord.

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