Monday, November 8, 2010

One Thousand Gifts

holy experience

Today, I am beginning a journey.  I am going to journal with you 1000 Gifts that I have been given - things that I am thankful for, things I enjoy, the little things that so often pass by unnoticed - moments inspired by that which makes my heart sing.  Ann of A Holy Experience is the inspiration behind it - you can read more about it HERE.  I am still not quite sure exactly how I am going to journal these - if it will be a weekly compilation, a daily thing,  or something not yet evolved.  But stay tuned, and hopefully, be inspired to join and create your own 1000 Gifts!

  • the smell of fallen leaves
  • stolen moments of quiet
  • the warm light of an Indian Summer afternoon
  • the fluffy softness of a clean diaper fresh out of the wash
  • the curl in the back of David's hair
  • cold water with crushed ice 
  • the smell of fresh popped corn
  • the deep, rich, black color of the Iowa fields after they have been plowed under
  • toenail polish (although I rarely have mine done)
  • the pre-dinner-time cacophony
I am beginning this journey now, to prepare my heart for Thanksgiving, and as a meditation on the coming season of Advent.  Please feel free to add your won, in the comments, or on your own blog.  Feel free to leave a link, so I can share your list, too.

Have a blessed day!


  1. What a fantastic idea! I am happy to have stumbled upon your blog during NaNoBloMo... Who knows if I ever would have heard of the 1000 gifts!? I don't know how hard it would be to get that many listed, but I may try! Thank you, and good luck with your blog. It seems very warm... I'll be stopping by again!

  2. Thank you, Daria! And I agree that finding 1000 Gifts does seem a bit daunting. But there's never a downside to seeking to find the positive in everything, so I decided to give it a go. And, hopefully, I'll learn a lot along the way!

    Thanks for taking the time to visit!

